Hay Racks for Horses10 February 2022 | Richard 
Hay Racks for HorsesHay racks for horses can be used for feeding hay or haylage in the paddock but which is the best type? The benefits are clear. Ad lib feeding can save you time, limit waste and, with the right design, protect your feed from the weather. You also have a choice as to when to feed – fitting in with lifestyle or avoiding showers! What are the different types of hay racks for horses?There are loads of different hay racks for horses: wooden hay racks, metal hay racks, plastic hay feeders, hay racks on wheels and free-standing hay racks.  What are plastic hay feeders?Unlike traditional hay racks, plastic hay feeders usually contain hay or haylage at or near ground level. The very best have lids and floors and are light enough to move around the field. They will protect the feed from weather, treading and dunging and prevent rotting hay from damaging your pasture. Benefits of plastic hay feeders -
If constructed using industrial grade plastic, they are tough, will not rot or rust and are UV stable. -
The best designs are rounded and so have no sharp or pointy bits to cause possible injury. -
Feed is presented at ground level which is more natural for the horse and lessens any chance of hay seeds or chaff getting into eyes. -
Some are available with a removable lid to keep the weather out and a floor so that you can move them from one place to another with the hay inside. -
Shape matters too. A conical feeder is less likely to be affected by wind or to be toppled by playful nags. -
They can last for years and years, giving the best return on your investment. To save time, feed and money, plastic hay feeders are without doubt the best choice. There are quality issues though. Make sure you choose one with all key features present. ________________________ You might also like to read… |